About Douglas Jackson

Hi! Douglas Jackson here. I really enjoy traveling to new areas and gaming. As a traveler and gamer, I like to share experiences about various things, especially experiences in new places, new tours, how the natural beauty I visited, and so on.

The purpose of my blog is to share the experiences that I have experienced from various aspects. In addition to the traveling experiences that I share here, I also like to share information about technology such as applications, software, games, and lifestyle.

I will share the applications that I use here along with tips and tricks that make my digital life easier. In addition, I will also share the latest applications that might be useful for productivity, especially for my hobby, traveling.

Apart from apps, I like to spend my free time playing games that I like. Therefore, I will also share experiences about the games that I like, how the experience of playing these games, and also the tips and tricks of the games that I play.

Not only that, but I will also share the latest games that I downloaded and played. Don’t forget, I will also try to share the latest games that are becoming hot topics here.

In addition to applications, games, and traveling, I also enjoy talking to many people to try to gain knowledge from their respective life experiences. Therefore, here I will also share information about life experiences, lifestyles, and valuable lessons that I have experienced and I have learned from the experiences of others.

By sharing, I believe the benefits I will get will be greater than if I kept it to myself.

Since this is my blog, of course, my blog needs some development and input from you dear readers. Therefore, I really hope for input such as suggestions and criticism from you so that I can develop both in writing and in personal development.