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    How to Balance Work and Relationships

    Working partners understand how tough it can be to balance work and relationships. Attending a workplace meeting to canceling a date because the boss phoned may all be difficult.

    In a love relationship, this might result in acid. While your spouse may grumble that you don’t have time for them, you may feel stuck and powerless due to a supervisor that is never satisfied and always demanding.

    Work and Relationships, How to Make Both Balanced?

    Relationships need patience, understanding, and action. No matter how well you understand your spouse, if you don’t make time for them, things will quickly become chaotic and out of hand.

    Here, we have prepared three tips to help you manage your career and relationships.

    Do Not Take your Mate for Granted.

    We often take our relationship for granted without even realizing it. You know how he would never ask you to leave work, which is why you frequently keep him waiting while working.

    This is something you should consider and make it a habit not to prioritize anything above your spouse just because he or she is calm enough not to quarrel for whatever reason.

    Define The Distinction Between Personal and Professional Life.

    This is a common blunder. We forget to distinguish between our personal and professional lives in our quest for perfection at work. Work calls frequently interrupt romantic dates, and vacations frequently finish with work. In the midst of all of this, our spouse may constantly feel ignored and unappreciated.

    As a result, it is critical to distinguish between work and family time. Instead of constantly being the go-to person, wait a little longer, start saying no to work-related things you know can wait, and remember that this is the time with your spouse.

    Make The Most of Your Vacation and Go.

    Some people continue to work even though they are on leave. While this would undoubtedly help you score some points at work, it will have a negative impact on your personal life.

    Do whatever it takes to get away from work while on vacation. Stop using your phone and checking your email. Allow your mind to rest and relax, and spend time with your lover both physically and psychologically.

    Most of us believe that simply being there with our spouse in person is sufficient, even if our minds wander at the workplace. This will make your spouse feel not just unappreciated, but also useless. So, make the most of your vacation and depart.

    Well, if all those tips above can’t help you to balance work and your relationship, then you should read some of the stories of the people who leave their job and how it affects their relationships. You might not need to hear all of those stories, but here we have summed up some important lessons to be learned to make your life easier and happier.

    First Lesson

    Leaving a job might sound terrible. You worry about your income; you worry about your monthly bills and many things related to financial problems. However, some of those who quit their job find themselves happier when they do. Although the worry of financial problems is still present, happiness beats the feeling and they feel like they get excited to search for a new job that will save their time and relationship.

    Second Lesson

    Leaving your job for the sake of your family seems difficult. However, you know, deep down in your heart that family is more important. You might think that you work day and night for your family, but the truth is your family does not always need your money, but most importantly, they need your presence.

    Two lessons above seem to suggest that you should leave your job to save your relationship, or to make your relationship better. However, every individual’s condition is different, and those lessons might not be suitable for a certain condition.

    What all those lessons teach us is how the time for our relationship is more important than anything else. Although we cannot deny the fact that we need the job to feed our bellies, we have to make all that matters in our life balanced.

    Well, those are some tips and lessons for your work and relationship. Hope it help.

  • Lifestyle

    Lessons from Retirees and How to Prepare One

    As we get older, we tend to know more things. The more we know, the wiser we will be. Well, retirees seem to be wise enough to teach us some lessons to grow better and to prepare better for our retirement itself.

    Some of the advice given below is not given intentionally by all retirees. These are just the lesson that we can learn when we had a conversation with many retirees. Are you feel curious about it? So, let’s check these out!

    Lesson Number 1

    Always help others and don’t expect anything in return. If you want to help, just help with all you can with all your heart.

    Lesson Number 2

    The worst thing that older people fear is dependence. Some retirees said advise to take care of your own while you still can. Don’t ask for help when you can do your things.

    Lesson Number 3

    As we humans get older, our brains tend to become weak gradually as well as our bodies. When you get retired, your brand and your body will become weaker faster. Try to not lose focus and get something to work on to maintain your body and brain longer.

    Lesson Number 4

    What should concern you is your biological age, and the health and vitality of your cells. Advanced age is not a death sentence. It gives you the freedom to act upon all the possibilities open to you.

    Those are 4 lessons that I think are priceless. You can only learn those lessons by getting older, which we haven’t been there yet. So, thanks to all those retirees.

    How to Prepare the Retirement Plan Mentally

    The next discussion will be about preparing the retirement. We can call that a retirement plan. It is not about the money that should be prepared, but we also have to be ready mentally. Nancy Schlossberg, a retired professor of counseling psychology at the University of Maryland recommends prospective retirees prepare mentally in five areas of life, namely.

    Build relationships with other people

    In the era of information technology as it is today, people will be very easy to connect both personally and as a community. Through this relationship, a joint activity can be created, such as a reunion with your old school friends, social gathering, or traveling together.

    Always think positive

    Retirement is not the end of everything but the beginning of everything. Many positive sides can be taken when entering retirement, namely more relaxing time so that you can focus more on worship, feel happy with your family and carry out some plans that have not been realized while working.

    Focus on life goals

    This is related to understanding self-identity. It takes time and a long process to understand the purpose of this life. Not all civil servants when they retire have a goal to just relax, but some aim to benefit the surrounding environment by filling their free time with activities that have a positive impact such as starting a new business, teaching, or being actively involved in activities in the surrounding environment.

    Financial Stability, mentally stable financially stable

    It is undeniable that one’s financial or financial stability can affect one’s mental stability. To maintain financial stability at the time of retirement, apart from the pension and old-age benefits provided by the government, civil servants can also prepare for their financial condition by calculating their retirement fund needs, then saving or investing to meet those needs.

    While there is still time to invest, from now on it is necessary to get used to setting aside salary on a regular basis to prepare for retirement funds. Several investment options such as property, bonds, stocks, or mutual funds can be an option depending on their respective risk profiles.

    In addition, it is necessary to deepen financial knowledge from an early age so that after retirement, we are not tempted by fake investment offers that can harm the retirees themselves. Also, so that after retirement, we do not become a burden for their children and grandchildren later.

    Understanding self-identity

    Leaving the world of work also automatically leaves the identity you have so far, for example, a position in a government agency. You have to start concocting a new identity, such as a retired civil servant.

    Although most people refer to themselves as retired civil servants or retirees from a company, over time they also want to start a new life by not connecting their current identity with the career they have lived. By understanding one’s identity, one can also avoid post-power syndrome, which usually infects someone who has lost their position or power.

    What should not be forgotten to prepare for retirement is to maintain good health by exercising and doing regular health tests. This life is only temporary; therefore, we must make the most of it.

  • Lifestyle

    Make Your Goals Habit

    Forming good habits is not a difficult thing to do. Punctuality, broad insight into the field being worked on, and never complaining when given an assignment are examples of good habits that can be easily done. However, getting started takes a lot of effort.

    Having good habits is one way to achieve a goal, for example, advancing a career. By forming good habits, your boss will indirectly see how your work is doing. These observations can be useful for your career. You could be given a raise or even a promotion.

    It can also be for living a healthy life, realizing future dreams, and so on. However, as explained above. Forming good habits is not easy. You not only have to work hard to get started, but also sacrifice a lot of things.

    3 Reasons Why Your New Habit Fails

    Forming this habit is quite tricky and requires consistency so many also fail to form the habit. There are several reasons why the process of forming your new habit may fail.

    • Goals that are not specific and realistic

    The reason why your goals often fail is that they are not specific. For example, you have a goal to exercise regularly. Unfortunately, this goal is still too general because it does not have clear details. The benchmark for exercising regularly is how many times a week. How many minutes will you exercise?

    On the other hand, your goals may fail because they are unrealistic. For example, you set goals for a 30-minute workout, five days a week. If you are just a beginner at exercising, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and easily tired. Therefore, the goal is less real because it does not take into account your current abilities.

    • Procrastination that leads to “skipping”

    The next reason why your goals always fail is often procrastinating or procrastinating doing these behaviors. This usually happens when you are busy or just not in the mood. This procrastination that eventually becomes absent can make people end up giving up on continuing. This is because of the premise that they have “failed” so they are pessimistic to continue the behavior again.

    • Focus on eliminating bad habits

    Research shows that the goal of eliminating bad habits tends to be less effective than the goal of building good habits. This is because the goal of eliminating bad habits is considered less clear and does not solve the root of the problem.

    For example, the habit of biting nails before a presentation is a coping with feelings of anxiety. Well, if you intend to get rid of your bad habit of biting your nails, you need to replace it with other, more positive habits to deal with unclear anxiety.

    Tips for forming good habits to achieve

    Building a habit is not easy because it takes time, energy, and consistency in the beginning. However, you can try by starting with a few small steps. Below, are some tips for building positive new habits.

    • Take action every day

    Whatever your dream is, do it every day. If your dream is to become a professional soccer player, then practice every day. If you want to be a guitarist, practice playing guitar every day. If you want to be a writer, you have to write every day. All dreams require passion and hard work.

    Gradually you will get better and better at what you have been doing, and you will get closer to your dreams without even realizing it.

    • Set your goal

    Dreams are dreams, but to make dreams come true, you need to set realistic goals. Set goals and stick to them. It doesn’t have to be a revolutionary goal, even a small goal will help you get closer to your dreams. Let goals be the milestones you need to achieve your dreams. Once you’ve achieved a goal, set another goal until it’s met and you can start reaching for your new dream.

    • Schedule time to focus

    Limit time to dreams and goals. Set it aside and use it to fulfill your goals and work on your dreams. You need focus and discipline, every time you get distracted, you fall and have to start over. Practice your focus. Eliminate all distractions that are standing in your way.

    • Don’t Focus on Results, Focus on Process.

    Having a healthy body is a results-oriented approach. Then what is the process? That’s exercise. Getting 1 million followers on social media is a results-oriented approach, and the process is creating quality content every day.

    Mostly, the results are not in our hands. It is how we start and end a job that is in our control. So, you should focus on the process, not the result. Define steps you can take toward a goal, then focus on staying consistent with those steps.

    • Review your strategy and progress

    Evaluate your strategy and progress towards your goals. Tracking success and how you achieved it is valuable information to know what is working well and what is not. You will learn from your mistakes and it will help you in growing. Evaluation is the method you need so you know if you are on the right track or not.

    Those are some tips that you can do in forming new habits. Start today and repeat tomorrow. Do it and don’t give up easily. Every good habit that you do to the maximum will produce maximum results as well.

  • Lifestyle

    Motivational Quotes for Your Success

    In living life, of course, a person is not only faced with easy or pleasant conditions but also the demands of life are quite heavy. In order to meet the demands and responsibilities of life, one has to work hard to the point of neglecting physical and mental health. This condition makes life difficult and stressful thoughts haunt you.

    There are even some people who dissolve in sadness and disappointment because they face the harsh realities of life. There are many ways that can be done to make life easier, one of which is to read quotes about the best life.

    By reading the words of the quote you can feel motivated and have enthusiasm again. Even though it’s just a quote about life, it is enough to have a deep meaning so that everyone can feel the spirit.

    Motivational quotes can of course also be used as motivation to live life. You can lean on the words of famous figures who have been successful before. You can also draw lessons from the experiences of previous people.

    Motivational quotes can be used as motivation and inspiration in life. To achieve your dreams, you have to fight and never give up. You can reflect and take lessons from success quotes for life.

    Motivational quotes that make the spirit to achieve success

    1. “Work while they sleep, save when they spend, study when they party, enjoy life while they dream.”
    2. “No one cares about the sweet story of your struggle until you are successful. So, be successful first before many stories.”
    3. “The more difficult your life journey, the stronger you will become.”
    4. “If you believe you can, then you really can. If you believe you can’t, then that’s who you are. Your perception is your reality.”
    5. “Not everyone has to know everything about you. Work until your success is heard without you having to talk.”
    6. “The best competition is to compete with your own score every day.”
    7. “Great people are not made through ease, pleasure, or comfort. They are made through hardships, challenges, and tears.”
    8. “To be successful, you must have a will to succeed that is greater than the fear of failure.”
    9. “What matters is not how much strategy we know, but how quickly we execute those strategies to achieve success.”
    10. “There is no failure, there is only too soon to stop giving up.”
    11. “Perseverance makes the impossible possible, the possible the most likely, and the most likely a reality.”
    12. “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

    Success motivational quotes from famous figures

    1. “Just because your process took longer than others doesn’t mean you failed.” – Harland David ‘Colonel Sanders’
    2. “Don’t look for friends who make you feel comfortable, but look for friends who force you to continue to grow.” – Thomas J. Watson
    3. “It is more important to increase your income than to reduce your expenses. It is more important to grow your spirits than to give up your dreams.” – Robert Kiyosaki
    4. “The real key to success is consistency.” – B.J. Habibie
    5. “Success is the ability to go through and overcome from one failure to the next without losing enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
    6. “Don’t be ashamed of your work or effort. No one will feed you if you fall into poverty.” – Tom Hardy.
    7. “The biggest risk in this world is not taking any risks. The world is changing so fast, the only strategy that is guaranteed not to fail is not to take any risks.”
    8. “Most of the most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying even though it felt like nothing helped.” – Dale Carnegie
    9. “People who achieve success are not always smart people, but people who are persistent and never give up.” – Susi Pudjiastuti
    10. “Don’t be crazy about money, work to learn. Don’t work for money, work to increase knowledge.” Robert T. Kiyosaki
    11. “Talent doesn’t exist, we are all human. You can become the person you want to be by trying hard.” – Conor McGregor

    Those are some motivational quotes for success in daily life.

  • Lifestyle

    The Importance of Visualizing the Future

    Almost every human being has a dream for the future that he wants to realize. It could be that the dream is progress in his career, progress in his business, traveling around the world, or self-improvement. When you have a dream, almost all people want their dreams to come true.

    The dreamer does this in various ways. There are those who strive for it through tireless hard work, there are those who try to be modest because they think everything will be beautiful in time, and some even do nothing while continuing to hope that their dreams will come true.

    Efforts to realize dreams have been going on since the human mind. Our thoughts have great powers that we often don’t realize. Because of the power of the mind, Rhonda Byrne once stated that life is a reflection of what people believe in their minds.

    Everything that is believed in the mind will be under the control of the human being. If humans think positively, then the mind will continue by bringing positive things into life. The opposite also applies, if humans focus more on negative things, then bad circumstances or events will appear in their lives.

    Dreams about the future will also not come true if it is not balanced with prayer, effort, and hard work. In addition to these three things, there is one technique that can help you realize your future dreams, namely through “visualization”.

    Visualization is a technique of using imagination to create dreams in your mind. Some might say this looks impossible. However, going through these visualizations will help you more easily achieve what you want.


    In relation to dreams, humans can use the power of the mind to help make them come true, for example when dreaming about winning a championship, one can try to focus on that victory. Present the beautiful feeling of being a winner. Imagine how proud it will be when your name is called to the stage to receive the trophy.

    Feel how loud the sound of applause chants the name of the winner. Draw the faces of loved ones looking on with proud eyes. The technique of describing pleasant events as motivation to achieve this dream is called visualization.

    People can use visualization techniques in their journeys to achieve their dreams. An Olympic athlete competing in athletics can imagine how much fun it would be if he were able to touch the finish line in the first place. A student who wants to make his parents proud can visualize as clearly as possible how touched his parents were when he received the award as the winner of the highest final exam score.

    Why is Visualizing Future Dreams Important?

    As already mentioned, that visualizing future dreams has its benefits, here are some reasons why it is important.

    1. Visualization helps you find your real dream

    For those of you who are often confused and still doubt when asked about the dreams you want to achieve, then this visualization technique can help you to find them. The trick is to visualize what things you like and make you more positive, of course.

    When your mind is free to imagine wandering as you wish then gradually you will find what you dream of the most and make you smile happily when you imagine it. From there, you can start to realize what things you’ve been dreaming of and really want to realize in real life.

    1. Visualization of future dreams makes us happier and calmer

    When we visualize, we imagine what we dream of as if it were real in our lives. So, we can feel happiness at that moment, and make us calmer. So, it seems true that the phrase that says that you are happy first and then successful is better than the other way around.

    Because often success in achieving dreams does not make us always happy even though this comes back to each person. So, by feeling happy first you will not be burdened with achieving your dreams even though there are many obstacles.

    1. Visualization also helps you to stay focused on your future dreams

    Visualization can be likened to a captain who leads your journey to your destination. Well, we often lose focus and enthusiasm when the journey to a dream is not as smooth as we imagine. When that happens one of the things you can do is to re-visualize the dreams you want to make come true.

    1. Visualization makes you more confident to achieve future dreams

    One way to overcome feelings of inferiority or insecurity is to visualize. Feel and imagine that you are capable of achieving it. So, later you can become more confident and avoid the feeling of inferiority that binds you.

    That’s a discussion of why visualizing future dreams is important.